10 April 23 Article 01

Interesting Period Facts That Everyone Should Know

Menstruation, or more commonly known as period, is normal shedding of the uterus lining which occurs monthly as part of the menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle can range from 23 to 35 days depending on individual. The first day of menstruation is counted as the start of a new menstrual cycle.

Here are 8 important facts that you need to know about menstruation:


  1. A normal menstruation usually last for 2 to 7 days

The length of a period can vary between individuals, depending on the length of the menstrual cycle.

10 April 23 Article 02

  1. You do not bleed as much as you think

A woman sheds an average of 60 ml of blood during one period, which is around 3 to 4 tablespoons. However, if you are constantly changing pads every less than 2 hours or passing large blood clots, you should consult your doctor as this indicates heavy menstrual bleeding, which may be caused by other underlying issues.


  1. Periods don’t always run on schedules

Although periods are on monthly cycles, it doesn’t always come on time; sometimes few days later or earlier. In certain circumstances such as stress or illness, it may even delay for a few weeks. Some women have irregular periods and this makes it harder for them to predict their next period date accurately. Thus, it isn’t their fault if they stain the bedsheets or sofa!

10 April 23 Article 03

  1. A missed period does not always mean you are pregnant

A missed period can be caused by various reasons. Some reasons can include excessive, vigorous exercising, extreme weight loss or stress.


  1. Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) are not just bad moods

Pre-Menstrual Syndrome comprises of a collective group of physical and emotional symptoms which normally occurs before period. Common symptoms may include fatigue, breast tenderness, headaches, migraines, mood swings, backaches, stomach bloating, constipation, period cramps and the list goes on.

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  1. PMS symptoms are more common than you think; for some severe enough to impact daily lives.

In Malaysia, 75% of women experienced at least one PMS symptom and the most frequently reported symptoms were body ache (75.3%), abdominal pain (75.3%), irritable feeling (63.9%) and breast discomfort (61.4%). Approximately 7% of them reported their symptoms as severe enough to impact their daily lives.


  1. Period cramps may be caused by a deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals

According to studies amongst female adolescents and young adult women, women with low haemoglobin levels and anaemia, which is caused by iron deficiency have a higher risk of period pain. Besides iron, deficiency in vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, calcium and vitamin B1 may also contribute to period pain.

10 April 23 Article 05

  1. Iron deficiency can worsen PMS symptoms

A deficiency in certain minerals such as iron and zinc may increase the severity of PMS symptoms.



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