How To Consume
Mix well with 100mL room temperature water or slowly pour it directly into the mouth and drink some water.

Daily Dose
- Menstruating women and adolescent girl: 1 sachet/day
- Anaemic: 2 sachet/day on alternate days (or according to physician’s advice)
- Pregnant lady: 1 sachet/ day (or according to physician’s advice)
*To be taken in the morning before meal

What does the research say?
Iron levels were higher after 4 weeks of consuming Lipofer™ fortified fruit juice.
All natural and evidence-based approach to help resolve the health problems you are facing

Anemia happens when you have a decreased level of hemoglobin in your red blood cells and the most common type is iron-deficiency anemia.
It occurs when your body doesn’t have enough iron to make hemoglobin. There are several factors contributing to the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia including:
- Loss of iron in the blood due to heavy menstruation or pregnancy
- Poor diet lacking in iron rich food
- Internal bleeding

LiFerron uses water dispersible micronized iron pyrophosphate which increases surface area and bioavailability of iron to enhance its absorption.
Vitamin C is added to further enhance the absorption of iron.
Vitamin B complex is added to help support red blood cells production and prevent anemia.
LiFerron is enriched with iron-rich natural whole food (red beets, spinach, pumpkin, carrot, purple yam and burdock) to make it more wholesome.
Cold hands and feet

Cold hands and feet can be a result of iron deficiency anaemia.
People with anaemia have poor blood circulation throughout their bodies because they don’t have enough red blood cells to deliver oxygen to the hands and feet.

LiFerron uses water dispersible micronized iron pyrophosphate which increases surface area and bioavailability of iron to enhance its absorption.
Vitamin C is added to further enhance the absorption of iron.
Vitamin B complex is added to help support red blood cells production and prevent anemia.
LiFerron is enriched with iron-rich natural whole food (red beets, spinach, pumpkin, carrot, purple yam and burdock) to make it more wholesome.
Fragile hair and brittle nails

Iron deficiency lowers the level of haemoglobin in the blood, which may reduce the amount of oxygen available to cells that cause hair growth.
When hair is deprived of oxygen, they can become dry and weak. Brittle nails can also be an indicator of iron deficiency anemia.

LiFerron uses water dispersible micronized iron pyrophosphate which increases surface area and bioavailability of iron to enhance its absorption.
Vitamin C is added to further enhance the absorption of iron.
Vitamin B complex is added to help support red blood cells production and prevent anemia.
LiFerron is enriched with iron-rich natural whole food (red beets, spinach, pumpkin, carrot, purple yam and burdock) to make it more wholesome.
Dysmenorrhea(painful menstrual cramps)

Study has shown that anemia can be categorized as one of the causes of painful menstrual cramps.

LiFerron uses water dispersible micronized iron pyrophosphate which increases surface area and bioavailability of iron to enhance its absorption.
Vitamin C is added to further enhance the absorption of iron.
Vitamin B complex is added to help support red blood cells production and prevent anemia.
LiFerron is enriched with iron-rich natural whole food (red beets, spinach, pumpkin, carrot, purple yam and burdock) to make it more wholesome.

A special formulation which helps to keep your iron levels in the blood on track
Lipofer™ iron pyrophosphate (670mg) with 53.6mg of elemental iron.
Lipofer™ is a water dispersible micronized source of iron pyrophosphate that uses microencapsulation technology which increases surface area and bioavailability of iron to enhance iron absorption.
Improvement in iron deficiency related symptoms usually seen 3 months after consumption of Liferron.
It is safe for pregnant women consumption.
Liferron is recommended for children aged 12 years and above.
Iron supplementation is contraindicated for people with hemochromatosis, hemosiderosis, thalassemia, hemolytic anemia and active inflammatory bowel disease.
There were no reported side effects from consuming LiFerron. However, it is not advised for those who had a history of allergic reaction towards any of the ingredient.

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Nur Farha –
Used to have menstrual issue and cold hands and feet. Tried Liferron for quite some times and now I feel better everytime during period